Floods of Spring

Our first spring in the country and we were looking forward to seeing the garden start to bloom, grasses turn green and of course, getting the boat out for the year. We were so excited. We got our dock down and started cleaning up our bayside fire pit. Then it rained. And rained. And rained.... Continue Reading →

The 9-1-1

Fall is busy here in the county, picking the last of the apple harvest, pumpkin patches open up, raking leaves over and over. Homeowners scramble to put away the last of the summer furniture worried snow may hit at any time. Pools are closed and last-minute lawn work is done all in preparation for the... Continue Reading →

The Apple Trail

Sunshine filled days that turn into cool night signifies one thing in this part of Ontario, fall. Along with the nuanced change of the leaves to faded colours of their summer glory, apple season starts. At first it's the Macintosh and early apples, but then the fun begins. Paula Red, HoneyCrisp and Royal Gala being... Continue Reading →

Get Up With The Sun

The weekend before school ended, (Labour Day weekend here in Canada), was party weekend at our new house on the bay. Neighbours from our old suburban neighbourhood came to play and thus we ended up hosting two families. There was pool time followed by BBQ with warm September sunshine. It was dreamlike as we all... Continue Reading →

The Golden Age of Summer

Summer has flown by in The County. We are now two months into county living and with so much to do, visitors flocking to the dazzling shoreline of the Bay of Quinte and our new home, I shoved the remaining boxes into corners and gave into being a tour guide. One wonderful thing about country... Continue Reading →

Our new playground

Water. Peacefulness. Family. Play. So far this summer those words keep swirling in my head. For the first time, we have a pool and on such a scorcher of a summer, it is being used, a lot. By our children, grandparents, nieces, nephews, friends and critters. Critters? Yes, I have quickly become the champion saviour... Continue Reading →

Wells and Water

What is the biggest change when you move from an urban home to a rural one? Figuring out the well system. I arrived to our new home, boxes scattered throughout the house and a strong but familiar smell permeating through the house. "What is that?" I questioned Mr. L who had arrived with the movers... Continue Reading →

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